Seminary Papers

What you'll find below are several of the better papers and sermons that I wrote in seminary. You may find them stimulating, incomprehensible or alarming, but they are indeed my thoughts. There are a few on what the church is meant to do and be, one looking to John(the gospel writer) and his school for wisdom on the current crises about splitting churches, one attempting to articulate what it takes to translate the gospel into a different culture and two struggling with Presbyterian doctrines (the sovereignty of God and predestination/election). There is also one on the tragedy of war and another on how to not be blind to Jesus. I'd love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to comment.


  1. Chris,

    I just read four of your papers (Newbigin, election, sovereignty, and unity and purity) and found them extremely well-researched and extremely lucid. Already, I am certain I will use them as resources when I engage those topics in a church somewhere. I appreciate your posts and sincerely hope you continue to add to them. The church needs more of this kind of intellectual (yet practical!) clarity.

    Blessings, Bobby

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