A Personal Statement of Faith by Christopher James

I believe the one God has revealed God’s self in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-equal in divinity yet distinct. I believe the only true God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Israel’s Redeemer; the Father of Jesus Christ. As seen in God’s name and essential to God’s nature, God desires to be known. God declares both through and to creation, “I Am.” God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, creating for the praise of God’s own glory. In sovereignty, God intimately sustains creation out of love for it. I am created to praise God, reveling in God’s love.

I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the image of the invisible God and the firstborn over all creation with all authority in heaven and on earth. Jesus is God’s greatest self-revelation, and the true incarnation of the Word, who was with God in the beginning. Jesus, the Son of Man, lived a fully human life, showing complete solidarity with humanity. As the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus bore in himself the debt of our human sin. Jesus has been restored to divine glory and given the name above all names, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus is Lord and Savior. He is the victor over death, the fulfillment of the Law, and the brother of all who are in Christ. Jesus is both the teacher and the subject taught. I am his follower and disciple. My principle obligation in this relationship is not one of understanding, but of continued presence and obedience. Though separated from God by our idolatrous sin, Jesus’ life, death and resurrection accomplished for us salvation: our sin is forgiven and we are no longer slaves to evil. We may now live as citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus will come again to judge the world and consummate the Kingdom, and usher his bride, the church, into glorious intimacy and peace forever.

I believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, and the closest companion of Jesus’ followers. The Holy Spirit equips Christians to live now into the efficacy of Christ’s victory. The Spirit is the Almighty God that desires to be known and experienced intimately. The Spirit inspired and empowered the prophets of old and today gives guidance, conviction, illumination and supernatural gifts for the strengthening of Christ’s Body. By the Spirit believers are transformed into Christ-like character. The Spirit animates Scripture, enabling understanding and giving it power in the lives of its readers. The Holy Spirit lives in me, enabling me to live as a citizen in the Kingdom of God that Jesus welcomes all to join.

I believe the church is all who are in Christ; those who have been chosen, adopted into the family of God and given the Spirit. As a called-out community we are a chosen instrument of God's self-revelation to the world. The church speaks of the great “I Am”: in worship it declares, “You are,” and in mission, “God is.” As the Body of Christ, the church is to continue Christ’s ministry of reconciliation, healing and proclamation of the Kingdom of God. The church is to both show forth the Kingdom to the world, and seek promote Kingdom values of love, peace and justice in society. Christ’s disciples are called to obedient participation with the Spirit’s transforming work by means of private and corporate spiritual disciplines such as prayer, study, service, stewardship and simplicity becoming both apprentices to Jesus and accomplices with him in the Kingdom conspiracy.

The Canon of Scripture faithfully reveals the triune God and documents the history of God’s covenant and people. Through the contextually-situated writings of Scripture, God’s will for the church and individual believers has been authoritatively revealed.

The church celebrates two sacraments: the Lord’s Supper and Baptism. These serve as outward signs of the inward realities which God enacts by them. Baptism marks the communion of an individual with Christ through participation in his death and resurrection and entrance into the covenant community. At the Lord’s Table we enjoy the real spiritual presence of Jesus as host and meal, celebrating the Lord’s death and resurrection and toasting to the new covenant and coming reign.

What do you believe?


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